
Б. А. Снигерев

Institute of Mechanics and Engineering

B. A. Снигерев has made significant contributions to various fields of study, including fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and numerical simulation. Their recent research focuses on the behavior of complex fluids, such as bubbly two-phase flows and polymer melts, in various geometries and flow regimes. The results of their studies have implications for industries like aerospace engineering, chemical processing, and materials science. For instance, their work on the dynamics of vaporization at the flow of liquid methane in channels with variable sections may inform designs for more efficient cryogenic systems, while their investigations into the flushing flow of liquid methane in Laval nozzles could enhance rocket propulsion technology.

Microfluidic RheometryTurbulent FlowsComplex FluidsCoherent StructuresFlow Control
Commercial signal 57.0
Scientific signal 62.9
Social signal 59.9
Papers 14
0 Patent-to-paper cites
65 Paper cites

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