
Abou El-Nour

International Plant Nutrition Institute, National Research Centre

Abou El-Nour's recent research has significantly advanced our understanding of the impacts of climatic changes on agricultural productivity and soil fertility management. Their work highlights the importance of integrated soil fertility management in maintaining crop yields under water scarcity conditions, while also exploring the role of chloride ions as beneficial micronutrients in plant physiology. Additionally, they have reviewed various topics such as nitrogen use efficiency, boron's structure and functions, vermicomposting, nano-fertilizers, molybdenum's diverse role, phosphorus use efficiency, and furrow irrigation technology, shedding light on the environmental applicability of these methods to mitigate climate change effects.

Deficit IrrigationIrrigation ManagementSoil FertilityDrip IrrigationEcosystem Functioning
Commercial signal 61.0
Scientific signal 68.1
Social signal 66.7
Papers 14
0 Patent-to-paper cites
19 Paper cites

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