
Ahmad Saat

University of Technology Malaysia

Ahmad Saat's research contributions span multiple disciplines, including energy systems, environmental science, and materials engineering. Studies have focused on optimizing biogas combustion in engines, assessing radon levels in buildings, and developing novel air conditioning systems with integrated absorption energy storage. Research has also explored the exergetic performance of solid oxide fuel cells, flameless combustors, and rotating supersonic combustion engines. Additionally, Saat's work investigates the effects of fuel composition on power generation systems, radiation exposure from quarry dust, and the synthesis and characterization of carbon nanotubes. These investigations aim to improve energy efficiency, reduce environmental pollution, and develop sustainable technologies.

Pulse Detonation EnginesPolymer ElectrolytesDetonation PropulsionExplosion CharacteristicsMicroscale CombustionPremixed CombustionLaminar Flame SpeedsAdsorption RefrigerationCombustion DynamicsEnergy StorageEnergy EfficiencySeasonal Heat StorageFuel ChemistryRotating Detonation CombustorsFlame Propagation
Commercial signal 67.0
Scientific signal 70.4
Social signal 74.0
Papers 29
2 Patent-to-paper cites
446 Paper cites

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