
Aijun Huang

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Aijun Huang's research contributes significantly to the fields of linguistics and cognitive science. Studies on grammatical and contextual factors affecting the interpretation of superordinate collectives in Mandarin have improved understanding of language structure and processing. The analysis of anaphoric properties of spatial nouns and prepositions in Mandarin provides a formal account of linguistic phenomena, informing theories of semantic interpretation. In addition, Huang's work on clockpetals, windnebula, and multilab has tackled complex challenges in aesthetic design, environmental assessment, and multispectral image analysis. Furthermore, the acquisition of numerical wh-pronouns and polarity-sensitive items in Mandarin Chinese expands knowledge of linguistic diversity and cognitive processing.

Visual AnalyticsInteractive VisualizationInformation Visualization
Commercial signal 56.1
Scientific signal 58.7
Social signal 56.4
Papers 7
0 Patent-to-paper cites
17 Paper cites

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