
Ali Pakari

Qatar University

Researchers Ali Pakari have made significant contributions to various fields of engineering and environmental science. In the realm of desiccant dehumidification systems, Pakari has developed regression models for predicting performance and compared different flow arrangements in internally-cooled liquid desiccant dehumidifiers. Additionally, they have created a regression equation for estimating maximum cooling load in greenhouses and evaluated mechanical ventilation systems in dairy cow barns through CFD simulations and field measurements. Their work on near-surface earth-to-air heat exchangers has also led to energy savings in hot desert climates, while exploring various design parameters.

Desiccant CoolingSolar Energy in GreenhousesThermodynamic AnalysisLiquid Desiccant DehumidificationSeasonal Thermal Energy StorageGround Source Heat PumpSeasonal Heat StorageHeat TransferBuilding Ventilation
Commercial signal 58.2
Scientific signal 64.4
Social signal 61.0
Papers 11
0 Patent-to-paper cites
242 Paper cites

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