
Amer Zakaria

American University of Sharjah

Amer Zakaria's research has made significant contributions to the development of microwave imaging technologies for early breast cancer detection, bone health assessment, and smart airport security. Their work has enhanced image processing methods using prior information and explored numerical feasibility studies on wearable designs and human leg applications. The study of incident field modeling and calibration techniques in microwave tomography has improved system accuracy. Additionally, a pilot study and image enhancement were conducted for microwave imaging of human forearms, while an ultra-wideband microwave tomography system demonstrated preliminary results. These advancements have potential implications for early disease detection and public safety.

Microwave ImagingUltrawideband MicrowaveDamage DetectionInverse ScatteringConfocal Microwave ImagingNear-Field Imaging
Firms applying this knowledge

Univeristy Of Manitoba

Commercial signal 59.5
Scientific signal 60.8
Social signal 59.7
Papers 8
3 Patent-to-paper cites
211 Paper cites

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