
Anne-Laure Ladier

Decision & Information Sciences for Production Systems

Anne-Laure Ladier has made significant contributions to the fields of supply chain management and operations research through their recent publications. Their work focuses on developing efficient and effective solutions for optimizing inventory routing, scheduling, and waste minimization in manufacturing and logistics operations. Recent articles have explored innovative approaches to addressing time-dependent inventory routing problems, designing cross-dock facilities, and assessing supply chain resilience strategies. By proposing novel methodologies and algorithms, Ladier's research has the potential to positively impact industries worldwide, improving operational efficiency, reducing waste, and enhancing overall supply chain performance.

SchedulingDynamic SchedulingOrder PickingHybrid OptimizationVehicle Routing ProblemMulti-objectiveBin Packing
Commercial signal 59.2
Scientific signal 65.1
Social signal 64.9
Papers 12
0 Patent-to-paper cites
356 Paper cites

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