
Anthony M. Manning

Janssen (United States), Johnson & Johnson (United States)

Anthony M. Manning has made significant contributions to understanding various diseases and developing innovative therapeutic solutions. Research on genetic variants associated with kidney disease in individuals with HIV reveals that Apol1 variants are major determinants of kidney failure, particularly in people of African ancestry. Additionally, studies on the role of sickle cell trait and engineered IgG1-Fc molecules have shed light on the mechanisms of FCγ receptor inhibition and activation. Manning's work also explores the potential of serum proteomics as a reflection of disease processes at the end-organ level in systemic sclerosis. Furthermore, research on rheumatoid arthritis has identified associations between innate and adaptive cell populations and response to treatments, while investigating circulating markers of inflammation in children and adults with giant aneurysms after Kawasaki disease. These findings highlight the importance of targeted therapies, such as M281, an anti-FCRN antibody, and immunomodulators like AB0443 Selective Immunomodulators of FC-gamma Receptors (SIFS), which hold promise for treating autoimmune diseases and other conditions characterized by immune dysfunction.

Fc? ReceptorsFc ReceptorsInflammationtranscriptional controlNF-?BTranscription FactorsGenetic Kidney DiseasesKawasaki DiseaseImmunoglobulin Replacement TherapyTNF-aImmunoglobulin GMAP Kinase
Firms applying this knowledge

Glaxosmithkline Llc, Academisch Medisch Centrum, University Of Pittsburgh—Of The Commonwealth System Of Higher Education, Smithkline Beecham (Cork) Limited

Commercial signal 77.9
Scientific signal 80.2
Social signal 78.2
Papers 40
285 Patent-to-paper cites
5,358 Paper cites

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