
Arjen Roos

Safran Electronics (Canada)

Arjen Roos has made significant contributions to understanding the complex behavior of metals and alloys under various deformation conditions. Research focusing on adiabatic shear banding, ductile damage, and mechanical polishing reveals insights into materials' response to intense strain rates, texture evolution, and surface treatments. Using a micromorphic crystal plasticity approach and finite element methods, Roos has explored the effects of short fatigue crack propagation, elastoplastic behavior, and discrete-continuous models for simulating dislocation dynamics in single crystals and polycrystalline materials. These advancements have relevance to industries such as aerospace, automotive, and energy storage, offering significant benefits in terms of improved material properties and performance under extreme conditions.

Surface Mechanical Attrition TreatmentNanostructured Surface LayerDeformation MechanismsCrystal PlasticityFracture Toughness TestingPlasticity and FractureCrack Propagation MechanismCrack PropagationMechanical PropertiesFlow BehaviorExtended Finite Element MethodSheet Metal FormingHyperelastic ModelingNanocrystalline Materials
Commercial signal 63.9
Scientific signal 71.9
Social signal 66.9
Papers 23
2 Patent-to-paper cites
1,162 Paper cites

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