
Asdrúbal Falavigna

Universidade de Caxias do Sul

Asdrúbal Falavigna has made significant contributions to the fields of spine surgery, surgical education, and patient care through various research studies. A comprehensive survey on preventing surgical site infections in spine surgery highlights the need for standardized practices among expert surgeons. The exploration of effective teaching strategies for minimally invasive surgery emphasizes the importance of adapting learning approaches to diverse surgeon needs. Additionally, a multilanguage health record database and a systematic review of patient-reported outcomes underscore the significance of adaptable data systems in spine care. These studies demonstrate the researcher's dedication to improving spinal surgery techniques, education, and patient outcomes globally.

Spinal Cord InjuryLumbar Disc DegenerationGenetic DiversityCervical Spine InjuryLow Back PainSpinal FusionBack Pain
Commercial signal 69.9
Scientific signal 77.9
Social signal 75.7
Papers 37
4 Patent-to-paper cites
887 Paper cites

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