
Balázs Komoróczy

Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology, Brno

Balázs Komoróczy's research contributes significantly to the fields of archaeology and material science. In the Czech Republic, recent discoveries using metal detecting and citizen science methodologies have shed light on previously unknown Roman camps in Moravia. Petrophysical and geochemical characterization of sediment fills in V-shaped ditches reveals insights into filling processes and pedogenesis. Dating techniques, including X-ray fluorescence analysis and <sup>14</sup>C dating, have been applied to resolve the age of unique archaeological finds, such as the Mušov-Burgstall enamel sample. Additionally, research on early Bronze Age site Pasohlávky and ancient brass artifacts has expanded our understanding of material agent analysis and preservation techniques.

Archaeological Residue Analysis
Commercial signal 53.9
Scientific signal 57.1
Social signal 54.9
Papers 7
0 Patent-to-paper cites
32 Paper cites

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