
Benjamin S. Lerner

Northeastern University

Benjamin S. Lerner has made significant contributions to the fields of computer science and education through their recent publications. Research on integrated data science for secondary schools aims to develop a comprehensive curriculum that equips students with practical skills in data analysis and interpretation. Another study focuses on evolving a K-12 curriculum integrating computer science into mathematics, highlighting the importance of this intersection in fostering problem-solving abilities. Additionally, Lerner has synthesized recursive ADT transformations from reusable templates, investigated tested semantics for getters, setters, and eval in JavaScript, and explored methods to detect conflicts among declarative UI extensions.

Source Code AnalysisProgramming Language SemanticsModel CheckingType InferenceRefactoringData ScienceFeature ModelsWeb Crawling
Firms applying this knowledge

Microsoft Technology Licensing, Llc, Prattle Analytics, Llc

Commercial signal 65.6
Scientific signal 68.6
Social signal 67.1
Papers 15
5 Patent-to-paper cites
219 Paper cites

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