Brendon J. Hanson
DSO National Laboratories
Brendon J. Hanson has made significant contributions to various fields of study through their recent research publications. In the realm of infectious diseases, Hanson's work on rapid development and evaluation of therapeutic antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, including the first-in-human study of AOD01, has provided critical insights into safety, tolerability, and pharmacodynamics. Additionally, their studies on neutralizing antibodies, structural insight, and modulation of syncytia have shed light on essential mechanisms for optimal therapeutic efficacy. In other areas, Hanson's research has explored digital drug development, influenza vaccine design, and molecular engineering of therapeutic antibodies. Their findings have the potential to inform combination therapy design, vaccination strategies, and treatments for various diseases, including those related to infectious agents, autoimmune disorders, and allergies.
Firms applying this knowledge
Yang Sheng Tang Company, Ltd.