
C. Michael Overstreet

Louisiana State University

C. Michael Overstreet has made significant contributions to nematode management in sweet potatoes and cotton, as well as soybean yield loss estimates due to diseases in the United States and Ontario, Canada. Their research on <i>rotylenchulus reniformis</i>, including a meta-analysis of field efficacy of nematicides and single nucleotide polymorphism analysis using the KASP assay, reveals genetic variability in this species. Overstreet's work also explores resistance to reniform nematode in cotton and analyzes discrete event simulation models to enhance understanding. Additionally, their research touches on computer simulation software, distance education systems, and code analysis, highlighting their interdisciplinary approach to advancing knowledge in plant protection and agronomy.

Modeling and Simulation
Firms applying this knowledge

University Of Strathclyde, Accordsqa, Inc., The Trustees Of Columbia University In The City Of New York

Commercial signal 62.0
Scientific signal 64.3
Social signal 64.8
Papers 13
5 Patent-to-paper cites
509 Paper cites

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