
Carlos H. Grossi

Universidade de São Paulo

Carlos H. Grossi has made significant contributions to various fields of mathematics and physics through their recent research publications. In special relativity, their work on the geometry of kinematic space explores novel approaches to understanding spacetime, while investigating special elliptic isometries further refines our comprehension of fundamental symmetries in physics. Additionally, research on relative $$\mathrm{su}(2,1)$$-character varieties sheds light on the properties of Lie groups, whereas studies on bendings and hyperbolic 2-spheres reveal intricate structures with implications for geometric analysis. Furthermore, work on unsupervised concept drift detection in data streams offers insights into machine learning applications, while exploring Seidel's conjectures in hyperbolic 3-space expands our understanding of algebraic geometry.

Hyperbolic ManifoldsSymmetric SpacesContact Geometry
Commercial signal 54.3
Scientific signal 58.8
Social signal 55.8
Papers 8
0 Patent-to-paper cites
69 Paper cites

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