
Caroline Brandon

New York University

Caroline Brandon's research has significantly contributed to various fields of urology and gynecology. Their studies have explored the clinical utility of routine postoperative labs in same-day minimally-invasive hysterectomy, stress urinary incontinence after intradetrusor injections, and vesicovaginal fistula repair techniques, including the Latzko procedure. Additionally, Brandon's work has focused on anterior shoulder dislocations, pelvic organ prolapse surgery, overactive bladder syndrome treatment, and the management of acute urinary retention following vulvar reconstruction flap stenosis. Their research also highlights diagnostic advancements in ovarian cystadenofibromas and borderline ovarian tumors, emphasizing the importance of accurate diagnosis for effective treatment options.

Urinary IncontinenceFecal Incontinence
Commercial signal 57.1
Scientific signal 62.8
Social signal 61.2
Papers 10
0 Patent-to-paper cites
39 Paper cites

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