
Elira Maksuti

Karolinska Institutet

Elira Maksuti has made significant contributions to the fields of cardiology and cardiovascular research. Their recent studies have explored the safety and efficacy of arterial shear wave elastography, a non-invasive imaging technique that assesses arterial stiffness and strain. These investigations have implications for understanding diastolic function, cardiac remodeling, and blood pressure regulation during aging. Maksuti's work has also shed light on the novel mechanism of hydraulic forces in diastolic function and their potential effects on heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFrEF) and heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF).

Shear Wave ImagingTissue Elasticity MappingMuscle Stiffness MeasurementSoft Tissue ElasticityArterial StiffnessUltrasound ElastographyDiastolic FunctionMagnetic Resonance ElastographyLeft Ventricular Function
Commercial signal 68.5
Scientific signal 69.3
Social signal 69.0
Papers 18
2 Patent-to-paper cites
517 Paper cites

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