
Eric N. Hahn

University of California, San Diego

Eric N. Hahn has made significant contributions to the fields of plasma physics, materials science, and shock dynamics through their research on high-intensity dense plasma focus devices. Their work explores various parameters influencing neutron yield, filamentation, and hot electron generation, shedding light on mechanisms driving these phenomena. Research in silicon carbide and other semiconductors reveals insights into defect reversibility, anisotropy, and grain size dependence of shock responses. Additionally, simulations and experiments investigate the effects of krypton admixture, surface conditioning, and magnetohydrodynamic dynamics, expanding knowledge on damage and failure mechanisms at grain boundaries, and the impact of defects on material properties under high-strain rates.

High-Energy Density PlasmasDeformation MechanismsHigh-pressure PhasesGrain Boundary EngineeringStrength and DuctilityDynamic DeformationHigh-Power LasersIon AccelerationCrystal Structure PredictionMetal NanoparticlesCrystal PlasticityHigh-Pressure Experiments
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