
Ferhat Bayram

Clemson University

Ferhat Bayram's research contributions span multiple fields of study, including nanotechnology, materials science, and sensing applications. Their recent articles focus on the development of novel microcantilever-based sensors and energy harvesters, leveraging graphene nanomaterials and advanced fabrication techniques. Key advancements include the creation of AlgAn/Gan dual channel triangular microcantilevers for UV detection, Au nanoparticle-enhanced photoacoustic excitation for mechanical memory operations, and green three-step electrodeposition of Mn3+ rich layered δ-phase MNO2 nanofibers on silicon and graphene-silicon carbide heterostructures. These innovations hold significant potential for the development of sensitive gas sensors, high-performance energy harvesting systems, and innovative biosensing platforms, with applications in fields such as environmental monitoring, healthcare, and energy management.

Gas Sensing MechanismsGas SensorsFluorescent NanosensorsNanosensorspH SensingHumidity SensorsField-Effect TransistorsPotentiometric SensorsMetal-Insulator TransitionPower HarvestingSol-Gel-Based NanosensorsChemical SensorsPhotoacoustic ImagingPulsed ThermographyNanomechanical testing
Commercial signal 74.2
Scientific signal 74.7
Social signal 70.0
Papers 28
0 Patent-to-paper cites
118 Paper cites

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