
Friedhelm Bach

Evangelisches Krankenhaus Bielefeld

Friedhelm Bach's research has significantly advanced the understanding and management of sepsis, a life-threatening condition that affects multiple organs. Through various studies, Bach's team has investigated the impact of therapeutic drug monitoring-based dose optimization on sepsis-related organ dysfunction, highlighting its potential benefits in reducing mortality rates. Additionally, their work has shed light on the adverse effects of delayed antimicrobial treatment and surgical source control, emphasizing the importance of timely interventions. Bach's research has also explored the efficacy of hemoadsorption in critically ill patients and the association between fever and hypothermia with outside temperature. Furthermore, they have investigated the accuracy of portable quantitative capnometers and capnographs under prehospital conditions, contributing to the development of effective sepsis diagnosis and treatment strategies.

SepsisAntimicrobial TherapyHypothermiaTemperatureBody Temperature
Commercial signal 60.0
Scientific signal 63.4
Social signal 62.0
Papers 12
0 Patent-to-paper cites
614 Paper cites

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