
Jason Q. D. Goodger

University of Melbourne

Jason Q. D. Goodger's research has made significant contributions to the fields of entomology, botany, and plant defense chemistry. Studies have revealed population-level variation in silk chemistry but not web architecture in orb web spiders, highlighting the complexity of spider communication. Additionally, research on eucalyptus trees has focused on chemical defense mechanisms, including flavanone o-methylation and the recruitment of distinct UDP-glycosyltransferase families. Goodger's work has also explored the efficacy and safety of pinocembrin in a sheep model of pulmonary fibrosis and identified oil body formation as a defense mechanism against herbivores in Marchantia polymorpha. Furthermore, their research has shed light on the terpene profile of Anthera glands in Eucalyptus polybractea and the potential role of web-based putrescine as an allomone for stingless bees.

Cyanogenic GlycosidesStress SignalingIn Vitro EvaluationFlavonoidsTerpenoid BiosynthesisAbiotic StressPlant DiversityTree Defense Mechanisms
Commercial signal 73.9
Scientific signal 80.5
Social signal 74.2
Papers 42
5 Patent-to-paper cites
1,887 Paper cites

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