
Joo‐Hyun Kim

Inha University, Korea Institute of Science and Technology

Joo-Hyun Kim has made significant contributions to the field of solar cells and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) research. Their work on chalcopyrite solar cells involves advanced characterization techniques to improve material compatibility and morphology, leading to enhanced photovoltaic properties. Additionally, their research on organic ternary solar cells investigates the impact of material interactions on active layer morphology and performance. In a separate field, Kim's study on autism spectrum disorder focuses on re-adjusting the cut-off score for the Korean version of the childhood autism rating scale, aiming to improve diagnosis and support for high-functioning individuals with ASD.

High-Efficiency Solar CellsPhotovoltaicsThin-Film Solar CellsSolar Cell EfficiencyBulk HeterojunctionPhotovoltaic CellsSolar CellsDevice CharacteristicsSocial Skills InterventionsConducting Polymers
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Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited

Commercial signal 63.8
Scientific signal 67.2
Social signal 64.5
Papers 14
8 Patent-to-paper cites
811 Paper cites

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