
Juergen Hetzel

Kantonsspital Winterthur

Researchers Juergen Hetzel have made significant contributions to various fields of pulmonology, focusing on innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for interstitial lung diseases, non-small cell lung cancer, and other respiratory conditions. Studies have guided European Respiratory Society recommendations for transbronchial lung cryobiopsy in diagnosing interstitial lung diseases, established a bronchoscope-assisted tritube placement method for sequential tracheal stenosis resection, and explored the effectiveness of cryobiopsy in detecting EGFR mutations in non-small cell lung cancer. Additionally, Hetzel's research has addressed bleeding risks associated with transbronchial cryobiopsy, investigated the role of lung cryobiopsy in multidisciplinary meetings, and developed new methods for targeting autologous blood installations and treating advanced emphysema through endobronchial coils. These findings have important implications for the diagnosis, treatment, and management of respiratory diseases, highlighting the significance of Hetzel's work in advancing pulmonology.

Interstitial Lung DiseasePositive End-Expiratory PressureRespiratoryNoninvasive VentilationBiomarker AnalysisNon-Small Cell Lung CancerAirway StenosisTracheal ReplacementEndoscopic StentingEndobronchial Stents
Commercial signal 66.3
Scientific signal 68.6
Social signal 68.4
Papers 19
0 Patent-to-paper cites
654 Paper cites

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