
József Pávó

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

József Pávó's research has significantly advanced the understanding and application of electromagnetic modeling techniques in materials science and non-destructive testing. By combining finite element simulation with circuit laws, Pávó developed new methods for analyzing coils made of twisted litz wire and detecting low-density magnetic nanoparticles. Their work also explored the use of eddy-current testing for inspecting ferromagnetic plates and identifying defects. Additionally, they contributed to the development of neural networks used in non-destructive testing and improved the accuracy of calculations for electromagnetically induced signals (ECT) in materials with cracks or thinning layers.

Eddy Current TestingDefect DetectionNon-Destructive EvaluationNon-Destructive TestingDamage DetectionPulsed Eddy CurrentFluxgate SensorsMagnetic SensorsMagnetostrictionMicro-fluxgate Sensors
Commercial signal 62.1
Scientific signal 64.7
Social signal 64.7
Papers 17
1 Patent-to-paper cites
85 Paper cites

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