
K. Aruna

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Researcher K. Aruna has made significant contributions to various fields of science, including materials processing, microbiology, atmospheric physics, and numerical analysis. Their experimental investigation on machining processes has improved techniques for creating micro-square holes and square holes through die-sinking EDM, with implications for aerospace and biomedical applications. Additionally, research on bacteriocins and plant-based compounds has revealed synergistic antibacterial effects against antibiotic-resistant strains. In atmospheric science, Aruna's work on aerosol radiative forcing, black carbon, and boundary layer dynamics informs climate modeling and urban air quality monitoring. Their numerical analysis contributions have also advanced understanding of buckling and singular problems.

Air QualityMicromachiningMachiningElectrical Discharge MachiningElectrochemical Machining
Commercial signal 56.3
Scientific signal 61.0
Social signal 57.5
Papers 9
0 Patent-to-paper cites
120 Paper cites

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