
K. Prabahar

Uppsala University

Researcher K. Prabahar has made significant contributions to the field of materials science, particularly in the realm of complex magnetic behavior, multiferroic ceramics, and magnetocaloric materials. Their work on nanostructure-driven magnetic behavior in double perovskites, grain-to-grain epitaxy-like nanostructures for magneto-electric devices, and effect of deposition conditions on mechanical properties has opened up new avenues for research. Additionally, studies on the impact of boron addition, deposition temperature, and Si/Ge ratio on microstructure, magnetocaloric properties, and ferroelectric behavior have expanded our understanding of these materials. The development of lead-free magnetoelectric laminates and phase analysis in Zr-substituted GD-Si-Ge alloys further underscores the importance of Prabahar's research, with potential applications in power generation, energy harvesting, and advanced technological devices.

Magnetocaloric MaterialsMagnetic Phase TransitionsMetal-Insulator TransitionThin Film FerroelectricsMagnetoelectricMetamagnetic Shape Memory Alloys
Commercial signal 59.3
Scientific signal 63.7
Social signal 58.9
Papers 12
0 Patent-to-paper cites
129 Paper cites

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