
Karolin Frykholm

Chalmers University of Technology

Karolin Frykholm's research has significantly advanced our understanding of DNA behavior in confined spaces, with a particular focus on nanochannels. Their work has elucidated the mechanisms underlying DNA compaction, strand exchange, and structural variations using nanofluidic channels. This research has broad implications for fields like microbiology, biophysics, and materials science. By applying innovative approaches such as Hidden Markov models and site-specific linear dichroism spectroscopy, Frykholm's team has provided valuable insights into the behavior of DNA-protein complexes and conjugative plasmids in bacteria. These findings have the potential to inform the development of novel diagnostic tools, antimicrobial therapies, and materials with tailored mechanical properties.

DNA StructureNanofluidicsDNA SequencingDNA nanotechnology
Commercial signal 62.2
Scientific signal 65.8
Social signal 59.9
Papers 12
1 Patent-to-paper cites
214 Paper cites

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