
Kathleen O’Rourke

University of South Florida

Kathleen O'Rourke's research has significantly contributed to understanding various health outcomes and healthcare disparities affecting pregnant women, newborns, and older adults. Studies on maternal exposure to ambient ozone, opioids, and anticholinergic use have shed light on the risks of congenital diaphragmatic hernia and cognitive decline in older adults. Research on sleep duration patterns and asthma risk has also highlighted the importance of sleep quality during adolescence and young adulthood. Additionally, O'Rourke's work has explored healthcare access disparities, including the impact of fee-free maternal health-care policy in Ghana and audience segmentation among mothers in Kentucky.

Postpartum HemorrhageCongenital Diaphragmatic HerniaPregnancy IntentionCollege DrinkingHelicobacter pyloriContraceptionSleep QualitySleep DurationPregnancyAnticholinergic BurdenInfant OutcomesSleepAlcohol DependenceSun ExposureSkin Cancers
Commercial signal 70.4
Scientific signal 82.9
Social signal 79.5
Papers 49
0 Patent-to-paper cites
1,281 Paper cites

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