
Kenneth J. Moore

Iowa State University

Kenneth J. Moore has made significant contributions to various fields of study, including plant biology, agriculture, and environmental science. Research on photothermal controls of vegetative dormancy in Poa secunda and biomass quality responses to selection for increased biomass yield in perennial energy grasses highlights the importance of understanding plant dormancy and breeding strategies for improved biofuel production. Studies on interseeded pennycress and camelina interactions with row crops, as well as assessing biological soil health through decomposition of inexpensive household items, emphasize the need for sustainable agricultural practices. Moore's work also explores the effects of perennial cover crops on soil fertility and maize productivity, and investigates agronomic practices for growing kenaf in Iowa, shedding light on potential alternatives to conventional crop rotation systems.

Bioenergy CropsSwitchgrassCrop Yield StabilityFeed EfficiencyBiomass ProductionForage QualitySeed DormancyCrop DiversityGrain QualitySoil Nutrient ManagementSoil FertilityMaize YieldPlant SignalingSpecies RichnessSustainable Grazing Systems
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Commercial signal 75.4
Scientific signal 84.6
Social signal 85.7
Papers 97
1 Patent-to-paper cites
3,112 Paper cites

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