
Klaus von Wilpert

Nordwestdeutsche Forstliche Versuchsanstalt

Klaus von Wilpert's research has significantly advanced our understanding of forest ecosystems, focusing on the complex interactions between trees, soils, and the environment. Their work explores various aspects, including the application of element balances as a forest planning tool, the peculiarities of forest soils in Germany, and the impacts of liming and afforestation on soil structure recovery and greenhouse gas fluxes. Additionally, von Wilpert's research highlights the importance of tree species diversity, phosphorus mobility, and the effects of anthropogenic inputs on forest ecosystems. These findings have implications for sustainable forest management, nutrient cycling, and climate change mitigation, providing valuable insights into the resilience and productivity of European forests under changing conditions.

Soil Hydraulic PropertiesSoil FertilityThermal Effects on SoilBiomass EstimationTree Height-Diameter ModelsForest Site ProductivitySoil PropertiesSoil Water CharacteristicWatershed SimulationEcosystem FunctioningSoil Water RetentionSoil Carbon Sequestration
Commercial signal 66.0
Scientific signal 76.4
Social signal 74.0
Papers 30
0 Patent-to-paper cites
953 Paper cites

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