
Laura Karabassova

Aktobe Regional State University named after K.Zhubanov

Laura Karabassova's research contributes significantly to the fields of education policy, comparative education, and educational change in post-Soviet countries. Her studies examine the perception and experience of young researchers in doctoral programmes, English-medium education reform in Kazakhstan, and mapping education research in post-Soviet countries through a bibliometric analysis. Karabassova's work also explores translanguaging in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) contexts, investigating teachers' perceptions and practices in Kazakhstan. Furthermore, her research on secondary school science teachers' experiences sheds light on the justification of top-down CLIL approaches. These studies offer valuable insights into educational reform and policy implementation in Kazakhstan and beyond.

MultilingualismBilingual EducationCLILContent and Language Integrated LearningTranslanguaging
Commercial signal 52.1
Scientific signal 56.9
Social signal 55.4
Papers 6
0 Patent-to-paper cites
113 Paper cites

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