
Liqun Shen

Sichuan University

Liqun Shen's research contributions span multiple fields, including materials science, biomedicine, and microbiology. Their work on 3D printing mini-capsule devices for islet delivery to treat type 1 diabetes and oncolytic adenoviruses that inhibit malignant ascites in ovarian cancer have the potential to revolutionize treatment options for these diseases. Shen's research also focuses on developing materials with unique properties, such as manganese-doped silicon-germanium thin films that exhibit room-temperature ferromagnetism and high hole mobility. Furthermore, their study on the structures and diffusion behaviors of point defects in 2D stanene reveals new insights into the electronic properties of these materials.

Mandibular FracturesTreatmentTwo-Dimensional Materials
Commercial signal 63.0
Scientific signal 66.1
Social signal 63.7
Papers 15
1 Patent-to-paper cites
223 Paper cites

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