
M. Reza Hirmand

University of Waterloo

M. Reza Hirmand's recent research contributions have significantly advanced our understanding of complex fracture mechanics in various geological contexts. Through the development of novel numerical methods, such as quasistatic cohesive fracture with an alternating direction method of multipliers and block coordinate descent energy minimization for dynamic cohesive fracture, Hirmand has improved the accuracy and efficiency of simulations. These advancements have broadened the scope of applications, enabling researchers to model complex fracture behaviors in layered media, naturally fractured porous media, and impermeable media with frictional natural faults. The work has substantial implications for optimizing hydraulic fracturing operations and understanding natural fracture propagation.

Fracture ConductivityHydraulic FracturingFracture PropagationExtended Finite Element MethodDam Behaviour ModellingMeshless Methods
Commercial signal 55.4
Scientific signal 62.1
Social signal 56.5
Papers 9
0 Patent-to-paper cites
343 Paper cites

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