
Martha Bajec

Brock University

Martha Bajec's research focuses on the sensory and psychological aspects of taste, particularly in relation to thermal tasting and its implications for food preference and behavior. Recent studies have explored the use of glucose oxidase in conjunction with catalase as an effective system for managing pH levels in red wine, and developed a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between thermal taster status, orosensory responsiveness, and behavioral traits such as neophobia and body mass index. These findings not only advance our knowledge of taste perception but also have practical applications in the food and beverage industry, where understanding consumer preferences can inform product development and marketing strategies.

Taste ReceptorsOlfactory ReceptorsSensory PerceptionOlfactory SystemTemporal Dominance of SensationsWine YeastsMachine OlfactionSensory AnalysisGrape Metabolism
Commercial signal 59.7
Scientific signal 65.2
Social signal 63.2
Papers 11
0 Patent-to-paper cites
177 Paper cites

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