
M.B. Schubert

University of Stuttgart

M.B. Schubert's research contributions span multiple fields, including single-color reflectometry, immunosuppressant detection, photovoltaics, and point-of-care testing. Their novel setup for Fourier spotting enabled fast and sensitive detection of immunosuppressants, while laser-induced fluorescence platforms facilitated point-of-care testing. Research on photovoltaic systems revealed degradation rate location dependency, performance loss due to mismatch, and seasonal performance variations. Additionally, Schubert's work on silicon thin films showed promise in lithium-ion batteries and flexible metal-air batteries, with potential applications in energy storage and generation. These findings have significant implications for the development of efficient and reliable renewable energy technologies.

PV SystemPhotovoltaic EfficiencyAmorphous Oxide SemiconductorsPhotovoltaic/Thermal Hybrid TechnologyThin-Film TransistorsMultijunction Solar CellsPorous SiliconFlexible ElectronicsPoint-of-Care DiagnosticsPixel-Level ADCElectrode ArraysConcentrator PhotovoltaicspH SensingLow-Noise SensorsOptical Sensors
Commercial signal 76.7
Scientific signal 77.1
Social signal 75.9
Papers 39
59 Patent-to-paper cites
1,356 Paper cites

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