
Milosz Kostusiak

North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust

Milosz Kostusiak's research has made significant contributions to various fields, including orthopedics, oncology, neurosurgery, and rehabilitation medicine. Their work on chronic lateral ligament ankle instability suggests that internal brace augmentation may be a superior treatment option compared to isolated modified Brostrom Gould repair, with implications for improved functional outcomes and return to pre-injury activity levels. Additionally, Kostusiak's research highlights the importance of precise surgical margins in treating poorly differentiated cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas, which have high incomplete excision rates. Their studies also demonstrate the effectiveness of cadaveric simulation in neurosurgical training and intramuscular local anesthetic infiltration for postoperative analgesia in lumbar spine surgery.

Operating Room PerformanceTrainingVirtual Reality TrainingSpinal Cord InjurySimulation-Based Training
Commercial signal 56.3
Scientific signal 61.1
Social signal 59.3
Papers 8
2 Patent-to-paper cites
169 Paper cites

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