
N. Markov

University of Connecticut, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

N. Markov has made significant contributions to the fields of nuclear physics and particle physics, advancing our understanding of the strong nuclear interaction and the properties of nucleons. Through a range of experiments, including those utilizing the clas12 software framework and spectrometer at Jefferson Laboratory, Markov's research has focused on measuring beam-spin asymmetries in various hadronic interactions, providing insights into the structure of protons and the behavior of nucleons under different conditions. These results have implications for our understanding of the neutron star equation of state, the properties of meson production in high-energy collisions, and the fundamental forces governing atomic nuclei, shedding light on the core of the strong nuclear interaction.

Resonanceparton distributionsElectroweak Symmetry BreakingmesonsSupersymmetryHigh-Energy ColliderNuclear StructureAstrophysical Reaction RatesPhase DiagramsNeutron Lifetime MeasurementDetector PerformanceMuon Anomalous Magnetic MomentNeutrino DetectionPositron-Molecule InteractionsIsospin Physics
Commercial signal 74.6
Scientific signal 86.4
Social signal 79.8
Papers 112
0 Patent-to-paper cites
4,042 Paper cites

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