
Onur Onel

Texas A&M University

Onur Onel's research has made significant contributions to the fields of energy systems engineering, chemical process synthesis, and optimization. Their work focuses on developing data-driven stochastic optimization methods for solving complex differential algebraic equations in various industrial processes, including the steam cracking process and natural gas-to-liquids (GTL) production. By integrating machine learning techniques with global optimization algorithms, Onel's research aims to improve the efficiency and sustainability of energy systems. The applications of their work range from designing energy-intelligent tax policies to developing supply chain management frameworks for municipal solid waste-to-liquid transportation fuels, highlighting the importance of optimizing energy production and consumption patterns for a more environmentally friendly future.

OptimizationGasificationWater Network SynthesisReal-time OptimizationMunicipal Solid WasteConstraint HandlingChemical-Looping CombustionThermochemical ConversionLoad ForecastingProcess IntensificationShort-Term ForecastingHydrogen ProductionElectricity Price ForecastingEnergy Efficiency
Commercial signal 67.1
Scientific signal 71.8
Social signal 71.0
Papers 20
0 Patent-to-paper cites
743 Paper cites

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