
Peter A. Linnell

Virginia Tech

Peter A. Linnell's recent research has significantly advanced our understanding of various areas in mathematics, including group theory, cohomology, and K-theory. Their contributions include solving the two-sided Pompeiu problem for discrete groups, exploring unique product groups and congruence subgroups, and making progress on the strong Atiyah conjecture for specific types of groups. Additionally, Linnell has worked on several other topics, such as non-orientable surface-plus-one-relation groups, limit Betti numbers of finite covers, group algebras, Galois cohomology, and K-theory of solvable groups. These results have far-reaching implications for our understanding of the properties of groups, their representations, and the relationships between different areas of mathematics.

Finite GroupsGroup TheoryNoncommutative Geometry
Commercial signal 62.6
Scientific signal 64.9
Social signal 64.3
Papers 20
0 Patent-to-paper cites
382 Paper cites

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