
Piotr Łuczyński

RWTH Aachen University

Piotr Łuczyński's research contributions span multiple fields, including turbocharger design optimization and intelligent deep-sea operations. Through various studies, Łuczyński has developed low-order radial turbine models for engine-level optimization, enabling more efficient turbocharger designs. Additionally, their work on stereo vision systems for deep-sea applications showcases innovative applications of technology. In the field of steam turbines, Łuczyński has investigated thermal contact resistance, unsteady conjugate heat transfer, and analytical heat transfer correlations, providing valuable insights into turbine performance. These studies enhance our understanding of complex thermomechanical phenomena in turbochargers and steam turbines, driving advancements in efficiency and performance.

Heat TransferThermal AnalysisThermal PerformanceTurbineThermodynamic Analysis
Commercial signal 56.8
Scientific signal 61.2
Social signal 61.1
Papers 9
0 Patent-to-paper cites
45 Paper cites

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