
Rósa Hugosdóttir

Aalborg University

Rósa Hugosdóttir's research focuses on understanding the mechanisms of chronic pain and developing innovative solutions for neural prosthetic applications. Recent studies have investigated the effects of thermal and electrical stimulation on pain perception, revealing novel insights into secondary hyperalgesia and spinal response modulation. Additionally, experiments with small pin electrodes and exponentially rising electrical currents shed light on the optimal stimulation parameters for preferential activation of small cutaneous fibers. The development of a novel electrode concept for neuroprosthetic augmentation of impaired finger functions demonstrates promise for improving neural prosthetics, and the design of small electrodes for matrix stimulation of finger muscles offers potential for enhanced muscle control in individuals with motor impairments.

Pain ModulationElectrical StimulationSensory FeedbackNeuroprostheticsNeuroprostheses
Commercial signal 56.1
Scientific signal 56.3
Social signal 58.2
Papers 7
0 Patent-to-paper cites
23 Paper cites

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