
S. Fatemeh Seyedpour

Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, University of Alberta

Researchers S. Fatemeh Seyedpour have made significant contributions to the development of functionalized polymer membranes for water treatment and biofouling control in forward osmosis systems. Their work has focused on enhancing membrane performance, antifouling properties, and antimicrobial capabilities through the synthesis of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and graphene quantum dots. Recent advancements have centered around exploring novel approaches to surface modification, such as in-situ assembly of MOFs onto thin-film membranes, and exploiting synergetic effects between graphene oxide and silver-based MOFs. These developments aim to mitigate biofouling implications and improve the overall efficiency of water treatment systems, promoting sustainable solutions for drinking water desalination and wastewater reuse.

Graphene-based MembranesNanofiltrationMembrane FoulingForward OsmosisMembrane DistillationAntifouling StrategiesMembrane TechnologyPolymer MembranesSustainable Water TreatmentMetal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)
Commercial signal 65.4
Scientific signal 67.3
Social signal 64.4
Papers 12
0 Patent-to-paper cites
928 Paper cites

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