
S. Kaliappan

Anna University, Chennai

S. Kaliappan's research focuses on the development of sustainable biofuel production technologies, with a primary emphasis on enhancing hydrolysis processes and improving anaerobic digestion efficiency. Recent studies have explored various kinetic and modelling approaches to optimize fermentation, biomass pretreatment, and biodegradability assessment. Additionally, investigations into biohydrogen production, synergetic treatment of algal biomass, and ultrasound-assisted microwave disintegration of sludge biomass have demonstrated promising results. The work has significant implications for the energy sector, as it seeks to address pressing issues related to waste management, greenhouse gas emissions, and the development of renewable energy sources.

Activated SludgeWaste TreatmentWastewater TreatmentSustainable Water TreatmentAnaerobic DigestionExtracellular Polymeric SubstancesHydrogen ProductionMembrane DistillationWaste-to-EnergyBiogas ProductionEnzymatic HydrolysisBiomass Recalcitrance
Commercial signal 77.2
Scientific signal 78.0
Social signal 80.9
Papers 51
2 Patent-to-paper cites
2,295 Paper cites

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