
Sheng‐Lun Kao

Tzu Chi Foundation

Sheng-Lun Kao's research has significantly contributed to our understanding of frailty and functional recovery among elderly populations. Through various studies, Kao has investigated the association between frailty and recovery, as well as the impact of integrated healthcare on elderly populations in Taiwan. Additionally, their work has explored the effects of multidomain interventions on quality of life, the risk of pneumonia associated with clinically diagnosed hypothyroidism, and the diagnostic diversity among patients with cognitive complaints. Furthermore, Kao's research has shed light on the relationship between hypothyroidism and mortality in the elderly population, highlighting the importance of accurate diagnosis and treatment.

HyperthyroidismHypothyroidismComprehensive Geriatric AssessmentDementia
Commercial signal 54.1
Scientific signal 60.6
Social signal 60.0
Papers 9
0 Patent-to-paper cites
97 Paper cites

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