
S.M. Desouky

Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute

S.M. Desouky has made significant contributions to various fields of study, primarily in petroleum engineering and materials science. Their research focuses on developing innovative solutions for improving heavy oil recovery, predicting properties of natural gas and crude oils, and enhancing asphaltene dispersion. Notably, their work on the development of artificial neural network models for predicting dew point pressure and compressibility factor has shown promise. Additionally, they have synthesized and characterized imidazolium-based ionic liquids with improved surfactant performance, as well as investigated novel polymer flooding agents and deep eutectic solvents for secondary water flooding. These advancements hold great potential for optimizing oil recovery processes and reducing environmental impacts.

Reservoir SimulationEnhanced Oil RecoverySurfactantsGas PermeabilityNanoaggregationPolymerizationPore-scale ModelingChemical Characterization
Commercial signal 64.5
Scientific signal 68.9
Social signal 69.6
Papers 19
0 Patent-to-paper cites
365 Paper cites

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