
Sojun Hoshimoto

International University of Health and Welfare

Sojun Hoshimoto has made significant contributions to the fields of general surgery, oncology, and gastroenterology through various research articles. Their studies have explored the impact of preclinical clerkships on medical students' attitudes towards surgical careers, as well as the regulation of mre11a by ubqln4 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma resistance to cisplatin treatment. Additionally, Hoshimoto's work has focused on gastrointestinal surgeries, including fluoroscopy-guided laparoscopic procedures and magnetic compression anastomosis techniques for addressing post-surgical complications such as bowel obstruction and anastomotic stenosis. Their research has also investigated the prognostic value of systemic inflammatory parameters in pancreatic cancer patients and the use of near-infrared fluorescent clips in colorectal surgery, highlighting the importance of innovative technologies in advancing surgical outcomes and patient care.

Pancreatic CancerEndoscopic StentingPancreatic Neuroendocrine TumorsCancer Stem CellsEsophageal CarcinomaTumor Markers
Firms applying this knowledge

The Trustees Of The University Of Pennsylvania

Commercial signal 67.0
Scientific signal 69.6
Social signal 72.1
Papers 24
6 Patent-to-paper cites
554 Paper cites

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