
Sourindra Mahanty

Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute

Sourindra Mahanty has made significant contributions to the development of advanced materials and electrochemical systems for energy storage applications. Their research focuses on designing and synthesizing novel composite materials for lithium-ion batteries, including cuboidal feni2s4-rgo-mwcnts composites, nanofiber-coated polypropylene separators, and porous iron-nickel sulfide cathodes. These materials have shown excellent half and full cell performances, as well as enhanced Li+ ion kinetics and high-rate capabilities. Additionally, Mahanty's work has explored the use of various hetero-dimensional microstructures, metal-organic frameworks, and bi-metal organic frameworks to improve electrochemical performance and cycling stability in rechargeable aqueous batteries and supercapacitors. These advancements hold promise for improving the efficiency, sustainability, and longevity of energy storage systems.

Nanostructured AnodesAnode MaterialsBattery MaterialsHigh-Performance ElectrodesElectrode MaterialsNanostructured CathodesCathode MaterialsMetal-Organic FrameworksNano-compositesRechargeable BatteriesPseudocapacitive MaterialsElectrolyte DesignHybrid Energy StorageAqueous Zinc-Ion BatteriesZinc Anode
Commercial signal 79.1
Scientific signal 81.5
Social signal 76.0
Papers 49
27 Patent-to-paper cites
2,253 Paper cites

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