
Stijn Heijkers

University of Antwerp

Stijn Heijkers' research has made significant contributions to the development of plasma-based technologies for converting CO2 into valuable chemicals, such as higher hydrocarbons and hydrogen. By modeling various plasma sources and reactor designs, Heijkers has shed light on the reaction mechanisms underlying these processes, including the role of nitrogen and other gases. Their work highlights the potential of gliding arc plasmatrons for dry reforming of methane and CO2 conversion, offering an alternative method to traditional methods. The research has implications for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and provides insights into the design of more efficient plasma reactors.

Plasma ChemistryCO2 ReductionAtmospheric Pressure PlasmasNitrogen ReductionNOx ReductionArtificial Nitrogen Fixation
Commercial signal 59.1
Scientific signal 61.5
Social signal 59.7
Papers 12
1 Patent-to-paper cites
776 Paper cites

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