
Thitaporn Sonsa‐ard

University of California, San Diego

Thitaporn Sonsa‐ard has made significant contributions to the development of innovative biosensing systems for real-time monitoring of gastrointestinal tract metabolites and other biomarkers. Their research focuses on the creation of self-powered ingestible wireless biosensors, disposable microchambers, and contactless conductivity sensors, which enable non-invasive tracking of physiological parameters such as sulfite levels in wine and l-dopa pharmacokinetic profiles. These advancements have far-reaching implications for disease diagnosis, food safety monitoring, and personalized medicine. By applying nanomaterials and miniaturizing traditional analytical techniques, Sonsa‐ard's work paves the way for portable, accurate, and environmentally friendly diagnostic solutions, revolutionizing the field of biomedical electrochemical detection and sensing.

Paper-Based MicrofluidicsNanoparticle-Based SensorsStretchable SensorsPortable BioassaysBiosensorsWearable Sensors
Commercial signal 64.9
Scientific signal 66.5
Social signal 66.7
Papers 15
0 Patent-to-paper cites
625 Paper cites

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