
Tiago Monteiro

Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Tiago Monteiro's research has significantly contributed to the development of innovative biomaterials and biosensing technologies. By exploring various enzymatic oxygen scavengers, such as bilirubin oxidase, Montiero has created reductase-based biosensors that can accurately detect nitrite in real-time, even in the presence of ascorbate or cyanide. This technology has vast implications for environmental monitoring, disease diagnosis, and point-of-care testing. Additionally, their work on genomic reconstruction of SARS-CoV-2 epidemics in England sheds light on the evolution of the virus during chronic infection treatment. These findings have the potential to inform public health strategies and improve diagnostic tools.

Biosensor ApplicationsElectrochemical BiosensorsBiosensorsNon-enzymatic SensorsGlucose SensorsParaoxonaseFluorescent Chemosensors
Commercial signal 64.3
Scientific signal 67.2
Social signal 65.2
Papers 14
7 Patent-to-paper cites
1,771 Paper cites

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